Monday, March 9, 2009

new tape release

I just drank a lot of coffee and I'm trapped at work, which means I'm bummed that I can't be working on music or something right as an antidote to frustration I will post about the new collaboration tape between me (Anthro Rex) and my pal Scott (Id M theft able). It is now available from and the cover is a silkscreened drawing that me and Geo did. I'm really psyched about this cuz I'm proud of the tape itself, but also just happy to have a tape with Id M, cuz he is one of my favorite performers EVER!
Check the style:

This is what I do when not watching exploitation movies, DJing, cleaning the hummus factory or hanging out with Madeline.

1 comment:

liz said...

So, is this what you do now that you can't scream anymore????