Monday, October 25, 2010

journal from 00

Oct 23rd: Nightmare Wallet
Mirror man cranberry
take the stovepipe express, bro

Friday, October 22, 2010

old jounals from 00ish

Oct 17th: Losing here and there, my work is sometimes a delicious day.
Oct 20th: So it is really 21, but it is also really saturday/sunday...............zyang botts
Movies and some warmth of being + a pinch of adv.

hmmm, i thought these would be more interesting.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Old entreeeeees

Found a journal from about 10 years ago in the atttic. The entries are short, and they start right around this date, so I figure I will put them in day to day.

Sat Oct 12th: It's all becoming more of an issue of outside beauty. Wishing I was stoned and Rich so I could fall into that beauty-world on the drop of a hat.