Thursday, January 1, 2009

Best Perfs of 08

I've been working hard on making stuff for the art show I have at HBML on the 9th. My first ever solo art show. I'm working hard and not even procrastinating. Last night was NYE and we DJ'd and it was fun and I never make resolutions and I feel shitty that the crappy beer is so expensive at the bar. But I had a grand ol' time. Every year invites whoever to send in their Best of Performances and they get listed. I wasn't gonna do one this year (I don't think I did last year) but I read what was up there already and remembered so many fine times, and one in particular that I had to shout about, and thusly I will list for them and for you...
1.Harvey Milk at O'Brien's. I suckily missed the first 15 minutes, but they could have played all night and I would have been in heaven.
2.Steamrollers, second set at Casual Academy...I felt like I was watching the E Street Band in 73, but instead of Ashbury, they were repping the North Shore Rt. 1
3.Corsano/Flaherty/McPhee at the Montague Book Mill. Truly ecstatic, dangerous peace.
4.Black Pus at Media Play. The neighbors got pretty mad.
5.Go To the Chateau dress rehearsal. This was a play in and around a car, I didn't get to see the real thing even though the director is my wife.
6.Nonhorse, Manuel/Mick Quantius/guy from Maniac's Dream/Grey Skull at Helbaard.
7.Cassis Cornuta at Scheldapen
8.Western Mass INC
9.Noise Nomads,Bunny Brains @Stone for Adam N.
10.Jake Meginsky @ Hampshire

okay. mo' writing later I hopes.

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